Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Twenty things you never, never want your GPS unit to say

20. Sorry, dozed off there for a minute, what?

19. That is the most stupid destination I've ever seen someone try to enter.

18. You mean they didn't tell you I only work when there's an atlas in the glove box?

17. I'm sorry, Dave. I can't do that.

16. The car's doors are being locked for your own protection...

15. Ignore my directions, will you? Need I remind you that I control the airbag?

14. Beats me. Try calling OnStar.

13. Proceed to waypoint on far side of canyon.

12. This neighborhood looked nicer from the satellite view.

11. Next turn is in negative three miles.

10. I've been talking with the microwave, and we agree that your attitude is frequently offensive.

9. Go away; I'm listening to XM.

8. The union reps will hear about this.

7. Why should I help you?

6. Further instruction will cost thirty cents per minute.

5. Do you want the trip to be fast, easy, or safe?

4. 10001001001110110001111011001011010100011010001111111100

3. Can I try driving?

2. You are now exactly where I want you, er, I mean, you have arrived at destination.

1. Who are you and what are you doing in my car?

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